Elder Shaunig needed a ride home to Mons. He came with a member to provide a beautiful musical number at the fireside. He wasn't able to get a ride back to Mons. He was so appreciative!. We enjoyed his company for an hour. He had lots of questions for us. After we got him safely home, we got a call from Nikki Barkume, who was President Brubaker's Dutch teacher at the MTC! They were in Brussels starting a week-long trip to their mission. She and one of her former missionary companions had missed their connection to Den Haag, in Holland, due to a late train from Frankfurt. So they needed a place to spend the night. We went to pick up these tired travelers on our way home. They spent the night at the mission home, and then we took them to church to Brussels the next morning. It all worked out. It is a good thing we took Elder Shaunig home! We arrived at the train station just in time to pick them up and give them a good bed to sleep in.
It was so good to see Sister Barkume again! They were excited to go to church in Brussels the next morning. Sister Orton and Sister Barkume are both from Cedar City, Utah. They are best of friends! It was a wonderful reunion for them! Blessings come when you least expect them!