The Brubaker Family

President Brubaker and I are excited to be here as the Mission President and companion of the Belgium Brussels Netherlands Mission! We love your sons and daughters, and feel to thank you for the wonderful missionaries you have raised! This is a very unique mission. Our mission includes two countries, and five languages, not including many dialects spoken in the Netherlands. The missionaries are teaching many people from all around the globe. With the help of the Spirit, the missionaries are finding those who have been prepared to receive the Gospel. This is truly the best mission in the world, and we are honored to be a part of it. We will try and take good care of your sons and daughters. We love them so much already!
We have 5 children and 11 wonderful grand children. We have so much fun together! We are grateful for the support they have given us as we prepared to leave for three years. Our home is in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have raised our family in the Millcreek Holladay area. We enjoy many activities together. We are happiest when we are hiking in Southern Utah, cross-country skiing into our rustic cabin in the Uintahs, enjoying a good game of Train or Settlers of Catan, or just being together and sharing a meal with each other. We love our family so much!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Can We Have One of These President Brubaker?

Monday, September 28, 2009
Harry Challenges Us to Eat 'Harring'

Sunday, September 27, 2009
We Felt Like We Were Home

Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Sweet Experience in Den Haag
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Our First Visitors

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Our Departing Missionaries
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Missionaries Receive Their First Assignment
The Dedication Site in Tervuren Park

New Missionaries Arrive!
We were up early, and off to the airport to meet our new missionaries. Scott and I tried to memorize the names of our new missionaries on the way to the airport. We have 7 new missionaries coming from the U.S. We have Sister Fritz, Flood, Sharp and Elder Johnson, Matthews, Rogers. What a great group of missionaries! We are so excited, and feel that each one of them has so much to add to our mission! We went to the office, and the office elders talked to them about legality and money issues. After photos, we took them all to the mission home. We had chicken Caesar salad and sliced meats and cheese and French bread. The French elders were especially excited for the cheese. We put them all down for a nap. I think they were really relieved to have a few hours to rest and sleep.