Charlotte Wiersma - Dec. 30, 2011
Den Haag
Sister Ence, Sister Perry, Charlotte (Bep) and Sister Tanner
Wow, wow, wow. Where do we begin? Charlotte is AMAZING. She met the Zusters while taking a walk in the park about 8 months ago. She has always had a stong belief in our Heavenly Father but had never quite found a church in which she felt at home. After many months of careful study and prayer, she received her answer that she had finally found the right church. Charlotte has such a strong love for the Bible and the Book of Mormon. She has studied diligently and has sought earnestly to learn what Heavenly Father's will for her is. She is an example to us all of faith and endurance. She is willing to share her testimony with those she comes in contact with and her enthusiasm for the gospel is contagious! Charlotte is a great addition to the ward here in Den Haag and is a ray of light! We love her!! -- Zuster Perry and Zuster Tanner