As President Brubaker and I walked into the church in Rotterdam, words cannot describe the overwhelming feeling that came over us, as we felt the love we have for every missionary in our mission. They were all together for the 1st time in 2 1/2 years!
The room was filled to capacity! Oh, what a joyous occasion! We felt an overwhelming feeling of the spirit as we repeated Our Purpose, and Doctrine & Covenants 4 together. You could feel the love the missionaries of the Belgium Netherlands Mission have for the Lord whom they serve.
President Brubaker taught the missionaries as he reminded them why we are here. He taught them so beautifully about the love God has for each of them, and how he loves his missionaries.
Elder Hendrickson and Elder Christensen listened intently to President Brubaker, as he shared with the missionaries the status of the mission. We feel that the missionaries in our mission are trying to be the bet they can be! And we are seeing amazing results!
During the last 18 months baptismal dates have increased dramatically, new investigators the missionaries have found has dramatically increased, investigators at church has been on a steady incline, and baptisms per missionary has increased! This brought big smiles to the missionaries!
The Light of the Gospel Shines in Elder Guanana's eyes!
Keeping Our Hearts Soft
Sister Brubaker spoke to the missionaries about what was closest to her heart.
We learn from Nephi how to keep our hearts soft.
If ye will not
harden your hearts; and ask in me in faith, believing that ye shall receive,
with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made
known unto you. I Nephi15: 11
1. Ask I Nephi 16:5
2. Be Humble and Give Thanks
3. Faith and Diligence
4. Service - Go and Do
The Belgium Netherlands Mission is blessed with eight extra-ordinary, superb, dedicated senior couples. The missionaries had the opportunity to ask any questions or advice they had to five of the most seasoned, experienced senior missionaries. We were all fed words of wisdom and learned a lot about our missionaries by the questions they asked!
Elder and Sister Salden ( couple far left)...............where do I begin? You would think they were in their thirties! With the help of the other senior missionaries, they have changed the physical environment of the missionary apartments in our mission! There is no job too big for them! Oh, how the missionaries love the Saldens! Sister Salden has taught the missionaries how to keep a missionary apartment so the Spirit can dwell. Everyday is "fine as frog's hair." They werent' able to finish all of the apartments in one mission, so they returned 3 months later for another round! |
Elder and Sister Pankratz are back for a second mission too! Oh, how happy we were when they decided to come back! They keep us straight in the mission office! Elder Pankratz takes care of the mission vehicles, and closing and finding new apartments for the missionaries. It would take volumes to keep track of all he does to help us. Sister Pankratz is our "angel". She prepares lunch for us each Monday when we are in the office. She takes care of all of the referrals, supplies for the missionaries, and is my helper with the baptism stories for the blog. Anything I need help with, Sister Pankratz is so willing to help! |

Elder and Sister Anderson are serving in Rotterdam and are loved by all the young adults they help in the young adult center. They help us with the orders of a most memorable memorabilia for the missionaries as they prepare to finish their missions. They give all the information to the Andersons of what they want on their Delft plate. Countless trips are made back and forth to the factory in Gouderak! One of their most favorite things to do is go on joint teach with the missionaries. The missionaries are so excited when Elder and Sister Andersen are free to come with them!
Elder and Sister Everton are the every ready, willing to go anywhere at a beckoned call to keep our missionaries healthy! The missionaries feel so much love from them, as if their own parents were there to take care of them! They are amazing! As if they didn't have enough to help us medically, they spend any extra minutes fixing up apartments, and helping with a new Young Adult Center in Utrecht.
Elder and Sister Van Komen are serving in the northern most part of our mission. There is nothing these two can't do! Elder Van Komen has been serving as the Branch President in Leeuwarden, with his wife by his side filling in wherever needed. Several weeks ago the Heerenveen Branch and the Leeuwarden Branch were combined. He is now serving as the 2nd counselor in the new Branch Presidency. They keep way busy by helping with the Young Adult Center in Groningen. How blessed we are to have them in our mission.

We have three other senior couples who have joined us over the last 6 months. They are so dear and precious to us, and brighten the lives of our missionaries! Elder and Sister DeLeeuw are helping with the Young Adult Center in Amsterdam. They love serving in Amsterdam. Elder and Sister Moore are serving in The Hague and love helping with the Young Adult Center there. Elder and Sister Anjewierden are serving in Deventer in the Young Adult Center. They most recently replace Elder and Sister Bush who we greatly miss. The Anjewierdens love their new calling!
The missionaries had all worked up an appetite!
l-r Elders Schow, McDaniel, Klippel, Schwartz, Mickelsen, Harry
Elders Huff, Armstrong, Stanley, Nigh, Sanderson, Farmer, Harvey, Thueson!
l-r Elders Burton, Burgess, Andrews, Stoddard, Mower, Sisters Palenikova, Stout!
l-r Elders Guanuna, Moscon, Shoemaker, Kunz, Christensen, Hansen, and Wright!
l-r Elder Calkins, Sister Jeffs, Elder Taylor, Zuster Tanner, Zuster Schwab
l-r Elders Davis, Cundick, Pitchforth, Van Rij, Nielsen, Benson, Brown, and Elder Maughan |
l-r Elders Wait, Hendrickson, Benson, McCarlie, Wang, and Mortensen
l-r Elders Ambach, Bjork, Da Cruz, and Elder Bickham.
l-r Zusters Davies, Townsend, Jones, Elders Christensen, Roemer, Andrews, Douglass,
Zuster Hinchcliff |
l-r Elders Leach, Merrill, Van Overbeek, Davies, Zuster Gardner, Elder Pope, Zuster Herring, and Elder Schulte
Elder Jones and Zuster DeLeeuw |
Zuster Everton and Zuster Jones sharing a moment together!
Are we ready for birthdays? We all look forward to sharing our love for the birthday missionaries!
The uplifting, sincere comments that the missionaries comment to our missionaries who have had birthdays in the month of June put big smiles on their faces.
Sister Moore!
Elder Maughan!
Elder Klippel!
Elder Mower!
Sister Stout!
Elder Taylor!
We have loved spoiling our missionaries on their birthdays! Sorry we didn't get a picture of Elder VanRij! Happy birthday to Elder Van Rij too! |
I love
you all so much. You have touched my
heart, and I will never be the same.
I feel like a parent
sending my child off to college.
Don’t forget to say
your prayers and study your scriptures everyday.
Keep your room
Remember who you are.
Your Heavenly Father
loves you very much.
Return to Us With Honor.
But in reality I am
the one leaving.
I hear your wise
older spirit giving counsel to me.
Don’t forget to say
your prayers.
Read and study your scriptures everyday.
Remember who you
We will be okay.
You have a Father in
Heaven who loves you dearly.
How can my heart hold so much love for so many great missionaries? We have the best missionaries in all the world!
veel liefs,
Zuster Rebecca Brubaker