We started the week of interviews with the Antwerp District. We all met at the office. Many miracles are happening in Antwerp. Elder Marshall, our office secretary and Elder Conder, our financial secretary were busy getting papers signed for the week, so unfortunately they weren't in the picture. We would be in shambles without their constant day to day help.

On Tuesday, the Ghent District was taught by Elder Thompson. I am so impressed with the high level of teaching the missionaries receive from their District Leaders. Elder Johnson decided it would be worth it to take the challenge from President Brubaker to find two new investigators by tomorrow. In return he was the happy recipient of two extra ice cream cones!

President Brubaker and I spent a warm and memorable evening in the home of President Hans and Marianne Boom. He is the Stake President of the Antwerp Stake. Hyrum, thier youngest son is preparing to go on a mission soon. We learned so many interesting little tidbits about the country
we feel so blessed to be serving in.

Elder Sanford and Elder Cox are invited every week to have dinner with the Boom family. They are learning and finding out the best way to work with the members from the example of their stake president.

Wednesday was spent with the Breda District
We had a few minutes to discover part of the old city. There is a beautiful monument that has documented the names of the rulers and when they were in reign.

It can be very confusing driving in Holland! There are bicycle paths everywhere. Bicycles always have the right away no matter what. They also have their own set of traffic lights!

Missionaries in the Apeldoorn district had fun with this shot! Elder Ellsworth taught a lesson on "How to ask inspired questions?" After demonstrating it is really possible to teach by only asking questions, the missionaries tried doing it. It gave them the opportunity to really think of so many questions to ask, learning which questions are the best.
Thursday night we were delighted to have dinner in Groningen with my niece and her husband and family, Sarah, Hilbert, Gabriel, and Lorenzo. They are our family away from home! Gabriel is 7 years old and gave me a lesson in Dutch. I now know the names of all the lego animals in Dutch! I forgot to get a picture! (picture will come)
Great missionaries serving in the Groningen district
Friday we met the Groningen District at the church for interviews. We were privileged to meet Tim and Anna who are preparing for baptism.
Stake Conference for the Antwerp Stake was held in Brussels on Sunday. A beautiful mother and daughter were a delight to speak with after the meeting.
Five recently returned missionaries from the Antwerp Stake, spoke in Stake Conference. They have only been home for a few weeks to a few months. Every person in attendance learned how member missionary works. I was so impressed with the testimonies of these fine young men, and their powerful examples of what a mission means in the life of a young man. "I believe there is nothing in all the world that can compare with the joy that a man feels when he realizes that he has been the instrument in the hands of the living God of reaching some honest heart, inspiring in it a love of God and the desire to serve Him." |
President Heber J. Grant
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