Esmee van den Broek, Den Bosch, Nov. 7, 2010
Esmee van den Broek is an awesome 11 year old girl. She is extremely lively and talkative and excited. Her mother was baptized about 20 years ago in Norway. She then moved to the Netherlands, and got married to a Dutch man. They had two children, Daniel and Esmee. When Daniel turned 8 years old, his father didn't want him to be baptized, he felt that he was too young. Once Daniel turned 13, his father gave permission for him to be baptized. So, the same pattern followed with Esmee. She had to wait about 3 years to be baptized. Finally, she asked her father if she could be baptized, and he gave her permission, and we began teaching. We taught her for a period of about two months. You couldn't really call it teaching. She knew everything before we ever taught her. It was fun to see her get more and more excited about her baptismal service as it drew closer. She was baptized on Sunday November 7th 2010 in Utrecht. The baptismal service went great. (Written by Elder Christensen)
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