Caroline Oppong - Ghent, Belgium - June 5, 2010
We had a wonderful baptism here in Gent this past week. Caroline Oppong or Esther was baptized and it was definitely a very special experience. We first met Esther while teaching Agnes and her friend Atta. She was at Agnes s house when we went by for a lesson one night and decided to start attending our lessons. She progressed very rapidly and quickly began to attend church every week and accepted a baptisimal date during a lesson with Elder Favero and Elder Wood.
She only really had a couple questions...the polygamy thing came up and coffee came up...but both were solved with honest answers and the encouragement to pray about it if she had questions.
The baptism was very nice..a humble turn out but the spirit was still very strong. We had two wonderful speakers who really followed the spirit as they wrote their talks. Esther sang a beautiful song that I have never heard just before the close of the service about a women searching for God...everyone was truly touched by this. The confirmation went very well yesterday and Gent has officially a new member added to the list! She was baptized on June 5, 2010 Story by Elder Sanford
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