The Brubaker Family

President Brubaker and I are excited to be here as the Mission President and companion of the Belgium Brussels Netherlands Mission! We love your sons and daughters, and feel to thank you for the wonderful missionaries you have raised! This is a very unique mission. Our mission includes two countries, and five languages, not including many dialects spoken in the Netherlands. The missionaries are teaching many people from all around the globe. With the help of the Spirit, the missionaries are finding those who have been prepared to receive the Gospel. This is truly the best mission in the world, and we are honored to be a part of it. We will try and take good care of your sons and daughters. We love them so much already!
We have 5 children and 11 wonderful grand children. We have so much fun together! We are grateful for the support they have given us as we prepared to leave for three years. Our home is in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have raised our family in the Millcreek Holladay area. We enjoy many activities together. We are happiest when we are hiking in Southern Utah, cross-country skiing into our rustic cabin in the Uintahs, enjoying a good game of Train or Settlers of Catan, or just being together and sharing a meal with each other. We love our family so much!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Day Is Finally Here...........We Are REALLY Moving!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Our Last Transfer in Belgium
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Eight New Missionaries Arrive!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Wonderful Blessed Weeks of April
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Laura Finds Gospel in the Netherlands

Laura Hurskainen, Groningen, April 23, 2011
Laura Hurskainen is an IT student from Finland. We were in the Centrum and we ran into her and asked what the purpose of life was. "42" was the immediate reply and it is definitely the best answer. A few minutes conversation later, we had exchanged information and were going to call soon so we could bring a Finnish copy of the book of Mormon over. We had a wonderful first lesson and invited her to the Jovo certer in Groningen that Thursday. She came and really enjoyed herself and has been coming ever since. Through the entire time that we were teaching Laura she never seemed to have any problems. After teaching about the Plan of Salvation she said that someone must have forgotten to erase part of her memory because she has heard this somewhere before. She still thinks that it is weird that she came to the Netherlands to find the church when she thought she was coming here to study, but she is very happy with the way things turned out. (Written by Elder Fritzler)