Yinnet Angulo Leon 7 January, 2012

Elder Benson, Elder Wayman, Yinnet, Sister Everton and Elder Everton
This story begins when we were almost late for an appointment with a less active member. We were about to cross a street when a woman called out for directions. I, Elder Benson, thought about it and decided to turn around to speak with the woman. Elder Johnson was waiting on the other side of the street. That woman was Yinnet. She asked directions to a certain street. We were heading that way so; we walked with her and spoke a little and gave her the directions she asked for. We introduced ourselves as missionaries and she also explained how she came from Venezuela and was heading to the Hospital. We gave her a card and she gave us a strange look and asked us, "why?" We left and didn't think too much about it. Later that day, we received a text message from Yinnet saying that she had found the hospital and would like to pay us back. So, later, we met with her and gave her a Book of Mormon. She said she wasn't interested; but we agreed to keep some contact. Well, it turned out that she wanted to throw The Book of Mormon away; but decided to start reading it and felt the Spirit very strongly bringing peace and happiness to her life. She continued to read and called us later, probably four weeks, and said she wanted to make the next steps in coming closer to Jesus Christ because she had been reading in The Book of Mormon and has really liked it. So, we began teaching her. She had some opposition; but she continued reading the Book of Mormon and actually finished it before her Baptism. The Book of Alma being her favorite, especially Alma chapter 5 and 7. She had spoken much and very highly of these. Many other missionaries took a very important part in teaching Yinnet: Elder & Sister Everton, the Andersons, Elders Favero, Klippel and, of course, Wayman. They all helped strengthen and support and teach with their Testimonies. She also changed her health habits. When she was taught the Word of Wisdom, she showed us a cabinet full of Coffee and Tea and she said "really?" The next appointment this same cabinet was empty. She has begun to change her life and Follow the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Wow, I made the blog! I'm friends with Yinnet on facebook now!