Joseph Mendy – August 2010
Joseph Mendy’s baptismal story by Zusters Fritz and Holbein.
Joseph Mendy is our brother from the Gambia, “The Smiling Coast of Africa.” We met him through an investigator, Bakary, whom we found during a consecrated hour, but wasn’t making much progress. At what we planned would be our last appointment with Bakary, Joseph came along to the lesson and practically taught his friend about the atonement of Jesus Christ. It was immediately obvious to us that Joseph was elect and needed to learn about the restored gospel. Throughout the next following weeks, we taught him in a waiting area in the central train station. It was wonderful to see his progress as he truly went to the Lord in prayer and took the time to read the scriptures and gain a testimony. He is a perfect example of someone who already had strong faith-and we didn’t take anything from what he already believed, but only added more. Joseph is solid in his testimony and will continue to make progress as a new member here in Antwerpen.
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