Emmanuel Ezugwu, Rotterdam, September 17, 2011
We found Emmanuel Ezugwu in a park about 3 months ago. He was with a friend who was also interested. Circumstances only allowed us to meet at the home of Emmanuel’s friend. Sadly, the other man cancelled the appointment and then Emmanuel fell through the cracks. A couple weeks later we were looking through one of our old planners and we came across Emmanuel’s name and we could not remember who he was. We called his number and invited him to come to church. He came! A day later we met with him and he accepted the challenge to prepare for baptism. From there on out Emmanuel cruised to baptism. Emmanuel is a religious refugee from Nigeria. Stories of his trials and persecution nearly brought us to tears. And yet, Emmanuel is never one to complain. His understanding of the gospel is crystal clear and has a bright future. He was a 100% church attender from day one and never looked back. One day, two weeks before his baptism, Emmanuel was an hour late for his appointment. This meant that he came at the same time as Lee, one of our Chinese investigators. The lesson with Lee was about the plan of salvation which was a lesson that Emmanuel had already received. Emmanuel assumed the role of a member on joint teach and taught the plan of salvation flawlessly! He felt the spirit of missionary work and put it into action. We were so proud of him! Emmanuel´s baptismal service went so smoothly and it was attended by 10 investigators of the church! We are so grateful that God led us to call Emmanuel back that one day. He definitely taught us more than we taught him. We love you Emmanuel!!
-Elder Osmond and Elder Mickelsen
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