The Brubaker Family

President Brubaker and I are excited to be here as the Mission President and companion of the Belgium Brussels Netherlands Mission! We love your sons and daughters, and feel to thank you for the wonderful missionaries you have raised! This is a very unique mission. Our mission includes two countries, and five languages, not including many dialects spoken in the Netherlands. The missionaries are teaching many people from all around the globe. With the help of the Spirit, the missionaries are finding those who have been prepared to receive the Gospel. This is truly the best mission in the world, and we are honored to be a part of it. We will try and take good care of your sons and daughters. We love them so much already!
We have 5 children and 11 wonderful grand children. We have so much fun together! We are grateful for the support they have given us as we prepared to leave for three years. Our home is in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have raised our family in the Millcreek Holladay area. We enjoy many activities together. We are happiest when we are hiking in Southern Utah, cross-country skiing into our rustic cabin in the Uintahs, enjoying a good game of Train or Settlers of Catan, or just being together and sharing a meal with each other. We love our family so much!!!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Hilda is Baptized in Leuven, Belgium
Godwin Is Welcomed To THe Hengelo Ward

Big Smiles In the Ampen Family in Dordrecht
Friday, February 24, 2012
Apeldoorn Zone President's Training

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Zone President's Training-Rotterdam
President Brubaker talked to the missionaries about the very critical importance of 9:00 planning. Each day has a certain number of appointments and a certain number of hours contacting, of meals, of lessons and well, of a lot of things.
Over the next few weeks, we too will be leaving a beloved place behind. We will be moving to a way to increase our finding, teaching and baptizing; we will move from ‘consecrated hours’ to ‘Consecrated Days’. To do this we will be taking better advantage of technology and careful planning to fill our days with meaningful activity.
“Organize yourselves, prepare every needful thing, and establish an area, even an area of order (DC 109:8, with some liberties).
Executing a Consecrated Day is a three-part process. (a) Find the address (hopefully someone is home), (b) 2-2-5. Then knock at least the two doors on each side and five across the street or across the hall (c) the third part and critical part of the plan is to be “fearless” in contacting people you meet on the street or the bus/tram as you travel to and from the address.
Missionaries will never have to open their Daily Planners and find empty pages again. It makes it much easier to implement the directives found in Preach My Gospel. It will revolutionize our approach to planning and finding.
We have confidence that you will enjoy this way of working. It will provide more structure and help us exercise faith that Heavenly Father will put the right people in our path.
As we embark on the migration to Consecrated Days, may we follow the example of Lehi’s obedience in 1Nephi chapter 2…
2 And it came to pass that the Lord acommanded my father… that he should ctake his family and depart into the wilderness.
3 And it came to pass that he was aobedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him.
As we do this with hope and excitement we will be blessed as Nephi was told later in the same chapter…
20 And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you.
After prayer and consideration of Consecrated Days, I feel to ask a blessing for you… as you contact each hour of each day, while travelling to and from the neighborhoods of people whose names were chosen though inspiration, you will prosper, and be led to promising investigators; yes, even investigators that God is preparing for you.
President Brubaker