Twelve departing missionaries, one for each of the 12 days of Christmas, were waiting patiently to be interviewed and come to the mission home for their last night of their mission. We already had nine new missionaries that couldn't leave due to the record amounts of snow we were receiving! The new missionaries were more than willing to be put to bed. Evelyn, our amazing housekeeper started her magic by finding beds and bedding for everyone. There was plenty of room at this inn.

President Brubaker started his interviews with the patiently waiting missionaries.

Zuster Fritz finally was rescued from the Brussels train station. Unfortunately her purse was stolen with her passports and her priceless mission journals. Sister Pierson tried to consoles her. We all felt terrible about this unfortunate incident.

After a special dinner, we sang Christmas carols, and the missionaries shared their most
memorable memories and testimonies.

The hour was late, but we felt a strong desire to not let this evening end. Each missionary bore a strong witness
and testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and their gratitude for the many blessings that had
come into their lives from serving a mission.
Even though Elder deBruijn, Elder Christensen and Elder Hansen volunteered to sleep on the couches,
they came up with a better idea......... a creative fort!
Such a ressemblance! The next morning Brother Herman DeBruijn came to the mission home to pick up his son. I love this picture as Sister Pierson portrays what we were all feeling as these two were reunited once again.
The adventure begins........Elder Pratt, Elder Hansen, and Elder Christensen were some of the lucky ones to make their connection (the internet told us the flight had been delayed). Elder and Sister Langeveld and Sister Pierson were through security by the time I got back to them! President Brubaker and I were running from place to place trying our best to all the missionaries taken care of. Parting is sooooo very hard!

The other 5 missionaries weren't so lucky. Their flight had been cancelled due to a closed airport in London. British Airways was in a real pickle! Due to more snow than they had ever had in 100 years in London, all flights were cancelled. Unfortunately, their flights were scheduled to fly through London.

The travel department in Salt Lake City was awakened by President Brubaker to ask for help with our dilemna.
By the time the missionaries reached the agent, all their flights had already been arranged by Salt Lake!
Sister Fritz and I found a smoothie kiosk, to help smooth out the frustrations our missionaries were feeling. Flights were changed for the 21st of December, three days away!
We tried to console them, and that evening we treated the missionaries to a well deserved Chinese dinner.
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