We have spent the last two weeks interviewing our missionaries.
We loved interviewing in the missionaries' apartments last transfer, and wish we could do it every time!
We started in Deventer.
After interviews, Elder Lystrup and Elder Bair took us on their consecrated hour with them to the Grot Markt.
We practiced our rudimentary Dutch. We now know what if feels like to be a brand new missionary,
struggling to learn the language. We were grateful for our elders to help us out.
This was our first time to the church in Heerlen. We are getting more and more familiar with the cities
and churches in our mission. It was a privilege to be with our wonderful missionaries
serving in Breda, Eindhoven, and Breda.

We were greeted by Zuster Vels and Zuster Ekstrom in Amsterdam. We both arrived about the same time!
I am always amazed how our sisters can maneuver their bikes so easily with all of their paraphanalia!
Zuster Vels is my personal Dutch teacher! Everytime we are together she gives me a short Dutch lesson.
I just wish she could transfer all that knowledge into my head!
We are so saddened that Elder and Sister Dabel will be finishing their mission in just a few weeks.
The missionaries have been sweetly spoiled with all of the wonderful cooking Sister Dabel has provided!
We have all tried to talk them into staying for just a little longer. They will truly be missed!
Our Ghent elders and sisters were walking to the church for interviews.
There is an enthusiastic feeling in the air as these dynamic
and excited missionaries came for interviews!
Attitude is everything in missionary work!
Our missionaries in Ghent, Antwerp, St. Nikklas, and Kortrijk are so positive and their attitude is very catching!
After interviews, President Brubaker and I went with the missionaries on joint teaches. After two appointments
fell through with the sisters, Sister Fowler and Sister Reber would not allow for discouragement!
We all went "house boat" contacting, just a few minutes walk from the church.
We found a very nice woman that needed a visit from us! The last door that we knocked on, there was no answer, but as we were walking away, a woman on her patio, enjoying the sunshine, was very friendly and talkative. Sister Fowler and Sister Reber were patient and kind to this elderly woman who just needed someone to listen to her. Her husband was there too, but had Alzheimer's. She knew about the church, and was very positive and complimentary. She became very emotional when we asked her if we could have a prayer with her. It was a special opportunity for me to feel the sweet spirit was there, as we prayed together.
She invited the sisters to come back soon.
The dynamic energetic trio-Elder Morrow, Elder Waldie, and Elder Marshall
Before heading back to Brussels, we went to church in Arnhem. President Brubaker spoke in church.
His Dutch is coming right along! Elder Morrow did a very professional job translating all three meetings
for the ward members who needed English translation. I was so impressed! I think he has developed a wonderful skill!
"I challenge you to enjoy your call and to magnify it completely.
Be happy and joyful in the service of the Lord.
Love missionary work with all your heart.
I promise you that as you magnify your call
This will be the sweetest and most glorious
Experience you have had!"
Ezra Taft Benson
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