Victoria Manchie and Deborah –
April 10, 2010
Victoria Manchie was found a number of years ago by two missionaries on the street. She accepted the invitation to take a Book of Mormon but later threw it away and didn’t pursue the church further. As the years passed, Victoria decided to rent out a spare room in her humble apartment. At this time, her new tenant, Folly, was investigating the church. Victoria remembered her last experience with our church and was nervous that Folly was reading in the Book of Mormon and going to church.
During Folly’s conversion process, Victoria was noticing the light which was pouring into Folly. After Folly’s first trip to the temple, Victoria felt the Holy Ghost so incredibly strong. She decided right then to learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Folly surprised Elder DeMass and I as we met Victoria. Our first lesson was so interesting. Victoria’s sister was at her house and dominated most of the conversation, while Victoria was just sitting there intensely feeling the Holy Ghost. In our second appointment, it was Victoria’s time to say everything she needed to say. Her spirit was radiating as she told us about what she felt from Folly.
Along the process of teaching Victoria, we met her daughter, Deborah. This bright girl also accepted the teachings of the restored Gospel and asked to be baptized with her mother. In a matter of just a few weeks, both Victoria and Deborah changed their old habits so they could enjoy the full blessings of the Gospel.
Victoria bore her testimony right after her baptism and spoke about the power of the Holy Ghost. She is an amazing convert, person, friend, and our sister in the Gospel. I know she will help build the kingdom in the Netherlands. (Written by Elder Black.)
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