President Brubaker and I are doubly blessed. The next day we had the privilege to repeat another special day in the temple with the missionaries from the Rotterdam and Antwerp Zones. We were blessed with beautiful weather......again!

Elder Robinson, Elder Osmond, and Elder Demeester

Sister Ekstrom, and Sister happy to see each other!
We are blessed to have so many sisters in our mission!
So sorry I forgot to get a sisters picture yesterday!
Sister Dabel and Sister Salden provided an amazing lunch for the missionaries.

The missionaries came prepared by studying and reading in Preach My Gospel,
Chapter 9-How do I Find People to Teach?
The assistants provided an opportunity for all the missionaries to practice what they do everyday.
That is to talk to everyone. First: missionaries practiced starting a conversation with someone, on the train, in a park, someone on a bike, walking a dog, and many other scenarios.

Elder Helton and Elder Robinson roled played meeting someone
from another country that doesn't speak
Dutch. We are blessed in our mission to have the universal language of English,
which comes in handy!

Second: making the transition from getting to know the person to talking about
a Gospel related subject.

Elder Weatherston and Elder Lundgren

Elder Weatherston and Elder Fritzler

Elder Bastian played the investigator and Elder Verwey demonstrated
the 3rd step: Testifying a principle, and making an appointment.

Who says that Zone Conferences are boring? No one was asleep
as missionaries showed their diversity
and a little sense of humor in their creative ways of contacting.

All missionaries were uplifted and inspired, and learned so much from each other's unique ways of talking to people. In Preach My Gospel it says
"Nothing happens in missionary work until you find someone to teach."
This exercise hopefully gave the missionaries ideas and different ways to contact people.
President Brubaker taught from the scriptures, using Alma 5. How can we have that burning testimony that allows us to have the insatiable desire to share the Gospel with everyone we meet? Testimony is the nuclear fuel of missionary work. When you really GET it, when you find a bond with the Savior through powerful scripture study in the morning, when in your prayers you feel the Spirit guiding your thoughts … then your FAITH will be strong enough.
8 aOpen your mouths and they shall be filled, and you shall become even as bNephi of old, who journeyed from Jerusalem in the wilderness.
9 Yea, open your mouths and spare not, and you shall be laden with asheaves upon your backs, for lo, I am with you.
10 Yea, open your mouths and they shall be filled
D&C 30: 5, 11
… the btime has come that it is expedient in me that you shall open your mouth to declare my gospel; therefore, fear not, but give cheed unto the words and advice of your brother, which he shall give you.
• • •
11 And your whole labor shall be in Zion, with all your soul, from henceforth; yea, you shall ever open your mouth in my cause, not afearing what bman can do, for I am cwith you. Amen.
D&C 24: 12
12 And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and adeclare my gospel as with the voice of a btrump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men.
D&C 28: 16
16 And thou must open thy mouth at all times, declaring my gospel with the sound of rejoicing. Amen.
D&C 60: 2
2 But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their amouths, but they hide the btalent which I have given unto them, because of the cfear of man. Wo unto such, for mine danger is ekindled against them.
D&C 71: 1
1 BEHOLD, thus saith the Lord … that the time has verily come that it is necessary and expedient in me that you should open your mouths in aproclaiming my gospel, the things of the kingdom, expounding the bmysteries thereof out of the scriptures, according to that portion of Spirit and power which shall be given unto you, even as I will.
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