President Brubaker wrote today in his letter to the missionaries,
"We can help our investigators by MAKING SURE that we expose them soon and often to the members. We do this initially by involving them with the members through JOINT TEACHES. We cannot overestimate the importance of joint teaches. If we really love our investigators it will become a very high priority to help them to transfer their feelings of emotional attachment from us, to the Lord and the members. Only in this way will they gain the strength to endure."
Enjoy this wonderful story of conversion and baptism through the joy of what can happen when members are involved.
Elder Duran finished his mission on Thursday, two days before the baptism of Gaysirry and Aisha. He wanted to be a part of this special day. He was able to get a photo when the girls were fitted for their baptismal clothing. He was able to leave them in the loving hands of the ward members.

The Lord truely truely stretched forth his hand in this story of how Elder Duran and I found Gaysirry and Aisha Kamikazi. Being two weeks into the transfer work was going pretty well. We were teaching lessons and making progress with our investigators. However, it was a little slower then we would have liked. Elder Duran and I were pondering on how we could find some new people to teach and find. I remembered from my first transfer in Heerlen that there was a familie from Burundi, Africa that one of our members had mentioned to us. We had tried to make an appointment my first transfer but the Mother said that the time wasn't right and they were too busy to meet with us. It was now almost two or so months later so I decided that I would call the member one more time and see if we could come stop by. We called and he said he would try his best to set up an appointment. At church that next week he said he got a hold of the mother and she said we could drop by the following Tuesday. Elder Duran and I had a wonderful feeling about the appointment. We went along with the member who set up the appointment and taught the restoration and talked about the purpose of this life. The spirit was so strong and said we needed to extend an baptismal date. We extended the commitment at the end of the lesson. We decided on a date only 4 weeks later, May 29. The girls were very excited and the mother agreed to let her girls take that step of baptism, but she would not because she had already been baptized. We set the date for May 29 with Gaysirry (11) and Aisha (13). They have come to church 4 weeks in a row and were baptized on May 29. We are currently teaching the mother and have high hopes that as she sees the power of the gospel work in her daughters and as we discuss authority, she will accept the step of baptism as well. What a wonderful blessing from the Lord! -French Speakers are needed for the mother!
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