Regina Kwesiba, The Hague, May 23, 2010
We ran into Regina outside another investigator’s apartment. It was one of the first days of spring and we commented on the nice weather. We started talking and she told us that she had run into the missionaries a few years back and they gave her “a Bible.” She’s read in it often since then and really likes it. We started teaching her and she was baptized about 2 months later.
Bishop Muntiga – about 2 weeks before Regina’s baptism, Bishop Montiga asked if he could come on a split because he wanted to get to know Regina better. We biked to her house which took about 20-25 minutes. The lesson went really well, but really long, and we finished at about 5:25. We started biking home and 2 minutes later, my pedal fell off. We tried to put it back on and I kicked it, hoping it would stay better. It didn’t. So the Bishop biked with me and was ghost riding the other bike from Den Haag Central to our apartment.
Way to go Elder Cox! What an amazing opportunity for them. Thanks for watching out for my brother.