Lorain Moore, Almere, The Netherlands, May 23, 2010
On May 23rd Lorain Moor was baptized. Several months earlier her brother Virgil was found during a consecrated hour. He was baptized as well as Lorain's boyfriend, Marciano. Missionaries were often at her home, teaching her brother and boyfriend. She was always attentive in the lessons and came often to church, but really wanted to be sure before she took the step to be baptized. She realized the importance of the baptismal covenant and what it means. With a little time and help from the bishop she became committed to joining the church. She suffered from a problem with her kidneys and was on dialysis. Because of this much of her time, energy, and life was taken up in 4 hour dialysis sessions every other day. However, she made time to hear the lessons and come to church. She was very ready and took the step. Her boyfriend Marciano, who was baptized a month earlier, performed the baptism. Her family and friends came, and several have also gained interest in joining the gospel. She is very helpful in explaining things to her family members and has a sound understanding of ther principles of the gospel. On the 7th of June Lorain got the news that there was a kidney available that was a match, and she went immediately to have the operation. She is still recovering, but if all goes well, she will be able to live a normal life and not have to do dialysis anymore. The Lord has blessed her and her family richly since their decision to join the church. They see these blessings as gifts from the Lord and are very grateful for them. Virgil, Marciano, and Lorain are very committed to the gospel and living it's principles. They have already had to sacrifice a lot, but the blessings are being poured down upon them. Their conversion process was really cool for me to see, and I am so grateful the Lord has blessed me that I can see such great examples of faith on my mission. (Elder Thompson)
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