Our little golden nugget, Rob Lokhoff, LOVES talking about the restored gospel. On a Sunday, months ago he was fishing with his friends. Astrid, a long time friend came up and asked him if he had just come from the church. She had noticed change in him, and on this particular day was intrigued as to his manner of dress. He proceeded to tell her about the ‘Mormon’ Church and the two sister missionaries who were teaching him. A light was turned on in her. She had been briefly taught by two elders, years back. At that time, she did not go to the church or read in the Book of Mormon but she sure wanted to now. She begged Rob for his copy of the Book of Mormon- and reluctantly he gave it to her. Of course, requesting a new copy ASAP. She read the whole book in two days and knew that it was true. The next day after that, she came to an appointment at Rob’s house. She fell immediately in love with the message of the restoration. We started almost immediately teaching Astrid and her four children. She accepted every commitment, and immediately lived every commandment. Darrel, her youngest child prayed about the prophet Jospeh Smith. That night he had a dream that he was baptized. That dream came to be the 31st of July 2010 along with his Mother. They are amazing. They love the Lord and are firm in his restored gospel.
(story by Zusters Ekstrom and Crandall)
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