Frika Daniels – July 24, 2010
Den Haag, The Netherlands
We first met Sister Daniels a couple transfers ago at the very end of a consecrated hour. She was the last person that we talked to. She had questions about life after death and what was going to happen. She didn’t want to give us her address, so we gave her a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and got her number and said we will call in a week to see what you though. We called her and she wanted to know more of what we knew. She has had family members that had died and she wanted to know all things about it. I won’t lie, it was a slow process with her. The thing that changed it all is when we spent a whole lesson on prayer. That it the most difficult thing for her. After that she started praying. She was still nervous, but she knew it is how she was going to receive her testimony. You should hear her pray now. I think she reads it from a paper, it is so good. 3 months after meeting her she told us that Joseph Smith, The Book of Mormon, President Monson, and the church is true. She had an amazing baptismal service. (Written by Elder Hansen).
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