On the last day before going home, the missionaries come to the mission office for one last interview with their president, President Brubaker. This is a special time for the missionaries to be given counsel to them, hopefully to remember for the rest of their lives. President Brubaker cherishes this time he has with each missionary. Sister Tibbitts offers to give them any guidance concerning their education. Every missionary wants to take advantage of this opportunity to talk to someone who really knows what she is talking about, as she was a guidance counselor for the Utah Valley University. I asked her to share her thoughts of the evening.
"We all went to the mission home for their final night. (I had asked Sis Brubaker a long time ago if Loel and I could experience a day with the new missionaries as they arrive and a day with the departing ones and she said, of course! So this was our day with the departing ones.
We had a lovely dinner in their beautiful backyard, nice visits, etc. Pres would ask questions like, “Who do you think will be the first one to marry?” etc. The AP’s are always at all these dinners and evenings. We took pictures, lots of them, throughout the evening. We had a final testimony meeting outside in the patio at the end. Pres started by giving them some great advice, quoting from Lehi’s counsel to his sons about putting on the armor of God and how this mission has built that armor for them and that they are now prepared to go out and serve. He talked about how they need to remember in their church service, that this is a volunteer organization , that you have to always be kind to those you work with, that you can’t be demanding, or grouchy, as these individuals are not getting a paycheck and you’re not their boss. Great counsel. He talked to them about the importance of “marrying up”, marry someone better than yourself, like he did. He said “Your missions are the MTC’s for the rest of your lives.” I loved that.
He opened it up for testimonies or any thoughts they wanted. The meeting was an incredible outpouring of the spirit – no one wanted it to end. These missionaries are leaving so wise and so capable and so dedicated – it was really inspiring to listen to them."
The missionaries were asked what did they learn most from their mission.

The missionaries were asked what did they learned most from their mission.
Sister Stapleton
Everything happens for a reason. You may forget to turn your phone back on an miss a call from an investigator
who cancels your appointment-but you go anyway, since you didn't get the message, the investigator happens to be home and you have an incredible less you wouldn't have had otherwise. The Lord is in the details of our lives. The Lord watches over everyone-His hand is in everything.

Sister Fowler
Agency is the power to choose your own attitude-If you have a positive attitude it increases
your ability to love, it makes or breaks your day. Choose to be positive. She spoke about how much
she has loved her mission as she chose to see His hand in everything.

Elder Black
He learned a lot from his from a former companion, Elder DeMass-how to build a true relationship and friendship with each other and others-it's based on the Gospel and having spiritual experiences together. It's serving each other, it's feasting upon the words of Christ together. It's becoming best friends with your companion. Love IS the Key.
Elder Stringham
The Lord is in the details of our lives. Amazing to see so many people from all different countires and how people are led to the missionaries. He learned how much potential each person has. The Lord knows them individually.
Elder Lystrup
The power of love changes everything. The power of hope does also. Everything you would ever need on your mission is in Preach My Gospel.

Each missionary was awarded a certificate and their own antique key so they will never forget that,
The 5 elders sang in Dutch, "Nearer My God To Thee", with amazing harmony. It was so beautiful; we just stood there listening, and no one wanted the evening to end.

Morning came too soon. Early trip to the airport for Sister Stapleton.
We were grateful for the precious time we had with her in the wee hours of the morning,
before she started her long journey back to St. Kittz in the Caribbean.
One last photo of our fine, dedicated missionaries just minutes before we bid them adieu.
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