Joseph Elijah, Den Haag, Nov. 27, 2010
Joseph was found one day as he was riding along on his bike, the missionaries smiled and waved to him and he stopped right away to talk! He told us later that he knew who we were, he had been to our church a few times before in Germany, and he had given his number only as a joke. But then during the first lesson he really heard and listened to the message of the Restoration and just felt that he needed to read the Book of Mormon. Joseph is a man of very great faith, despite many attempts from friends and acquaintances to sway him from being baptized and joining the church, he knew that the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith were truly from our Heavenly Father and progressed quickly to baptism. (Written by Elder Favero)
Basri Tefik Yusuf (Yunuz), Den Haag, Nov 27, 2010
Yunuz was found by the Sisters in Den Haag. He had little Christian background in the beginning but believed in God. Yunuz is a great example of humility and meekness. He told us he could feel the peace and love of God so much stronger in his life when he went to church, the Young Adult Center (Jovo Centrum), and read in the Book of Mormon. He is sensitive for the spirit and teachable which helped him to experiment upon the word, read in the Book of Mormon, pray, gain a strong testimony and then take the step of baptism. (Written by Elder Favero.)
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