Jenny, Nigel & Richendro Winklar, Zoetermeer, November 7, 2010
We met Jenny on the street while looking for people to teach. We told her we were missionaries and that we had a message and she said I’m in a hurry give me a call, so we did and had a good appointment. We thought she had a lot of potential but then we didn’t see her for 2 months because of work and she cancelled our appointments. Elder Bell went home but then one day Elder Staker and I thought, hey let’s look her up. So we did and got another appointment but this time we made sure to text her the night before. We did that and gave her Alma 32. We showed up the next day and she had read and something was different about her. We then talked about baptism and she said she was ready. We brought out the calendar and made a baptismal date right then and there. Teaching her was so cool to see the change in just in 1 appointment. She was Golden the rest of the time. She came to General Conference and really liked it. Then the next 2 appointments the kids wanted to also be baptized. This was an eventful baptism. It was really cool to think that we could help God in making a difference and teach them in the Dutch language. They have been a real blessing to us and to this ward. Now we have young men and young women in the ward. Jenny is an example of someone looking for something but not knowing where to find it. She continues to read the Book of Mormon everyday. Her family will help change the lives of others. It just goes to show what can happen in just one day of missionary work, finding those elect people. (Written by Elder Staker and Bastian)
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