The Hague Zone all congregated at the mission home for a service project. The initial plan was to have the missionaries help landscape our yard at the new mission home, but the church magically landscaped it for us. What a blessing in disguise! We were able to turn it into a neighborhood service day.
The missionaries got to know our neighbors by serving them!

Trees were trimmed along the canal.

She loves me ......she loves me not. Hmmmm......

Much good was accomplished in just a short few hours.

Gardens became weed free.

Our neighbors were so impressed by the happy and enthusiastic and willing attitude of these young men and women.
The seniors; the Beckstands, Saldens and the Tibbitts got all the food prepared for our lunch.

We had a real feast prepared!

We were greatly blessed with a warm sunny day!

President Brubaker was the chef for the day!

Sister Tibbitt's sister, Gayle was visiting from the United States with her son, who will have a
mission call waiting for him when he returns home!

"Do you want to be happy? Forget yourself and get lost in this
great cause. Lend your efforts to helping people......
Stand higher, lift those with feeble knees,
hold up the arms of those that hang down.
Live the gospel of Jesus Christ."
President Gordon B. Hinckley