Paul van Eerden, Groningen, June 22, 2011
Paul van Eerden was given as a referral to the elders a little over a year ago. Then he was living in Winterswijk and Elder Waldie and I had the chance to go share the first lesson with him. He was referred to the church by his girlfriend, Angela. It was obvious then that Paul was a choice soul that had been prepared by our Heavenly Father. Baptism was his desire from the beginning, though he still had a few obstacles to overcome. The elders continued to teach and work with him even after Elder Waldie and I were transferred. Paul felt the love of many missionaries over a year's time and came to gain a strong testimony of the restored gospel. He moved to Groningen about six months ago and was married to Angela a few weeks ago around the same time that I was transferred here to Groningen. After being married to the woman he loves he was completely ready for baptism. It was a beautiful day and I'm grateful that I had the chance to be here to see him make a covenant with his Heavenly Father. Paul is very grateful to all the elders that have taught him over the past year and is moving forward without looking back. (Written by Elders Marshall and Bair)
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