Elder van Rij, Elder Kunz, and Elder Mortensen arrived today in the Netherlands.

All luggage accounted for, we went directly to the train station at Schiphol airport, and let the new missionaries experience Europe at it's best! The mission office in Leiden is only a short 13 minute ride.
Once in Leiden, the walk to the mission office is only about 5 minutes from the train station.That means no more driving to the airport, no more dealing with traffic, no more trying to find parking, no more lifting suitcases in and out of the mission van. The location is ideal!

The new missionaries were greeted by lots of friendly faces!
Our legality secretary, Elder Alexander was organized and prepared to handle this group all onhis own. He oriented the missionaries about being legal in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Elder Benson has been a joy to have in the office, and has trained Elder Alexander. We will miss Elder Benson, but Utrecht is going to be so happy to have him come! Elder McCarlie talked to the missionaries about the pertinent information about all the financial information a missionary needs to know in the Netherlands and Belgium

After lunch, the missionaries had their first experience contacting real people!
After having a much welcomed nap at the mission home, we experienced a new tradition!


Pannekoeken is Holland's version of the pancake. A pannekoek (pronounced: paw-nuh-cook) (plural pannekoeken) or pannenkoek (new Dutch spelling) is a Dutch pancake. Pannekoeken are usually larger and thinner than American or Scottish pancakes. They may incorporate slices of smoked bacon, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, apples, seasonal fresh strawberries, or other fruits, stem ginger, cheese, or raisins.

We love this new tradition!

The assistants were happy to suggest their favorites!

The new missionaries took no time at all adjusting to the culture!

Leiden is a beautiful city.

Leiden is located on the Old Rhine, at a distance of some 20 kilometers from The Hague to its south and some 40 kilometers from Amsterdam to its north.
A university city since 1575, Leiden houses Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Centre. It is twinned with Oxford, the location of England's oldest university.

Back to the mission home were calls waiting to be opened!

Elder van Rij will be serving in Haarlem with a great trainer, Elder Marshall.

Elder Mortensen will love serving in the Hague with another marvelous trainer, Elder Andrews.

Elder Kunz is going to Apeldoorn to serve with Elder Sanford. There is no doubt he will be trained by one of our best!

President Brubaker brought out the map of our mission, and showed them where they will be serving.

We are honored and privileged to have these energetic, dedicated, willing, and able new missionaries join our mission!

"After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel."
President Joseph Smith 1830-1844
PMG page 12
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