Nathalie Ritzen, Den Haag, July 16, 2011
Zuster Garvin and I were out finding one day and were not having much luck. At the end of our finding for that day we met Harold Ritzen who is Nathalies father. He was impressed that two young girls from America were volunteering their time to teach people about faith. We made an appointment with him for the following week to teach him The Restoration.
In our first lesson Harolds daughter Nathalie sat in. She said that she would not be there the following time because she needed the time to study. We returned for our next appointment and to our surprise Nathalie was there. We continued teaching them the lessons and Nathalie found the things that we taught to be true, she decided to follow the example of the Savior and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (Written by Zuster Welch)
Congratulations Zuster Welch and Zuster Garvin! Nathalie sounds like an amazing person, so glad you found her.