It was a beautiful day on Friday in Antwerp, Belgium. The missionaries were all smiles and ready to be taught by their president.

The Antwerp Zone had everything set up, ready to go when we arrived! 
The missionaries learned about the most important document in the church, according to Elder Perry; The Progress Record! The missionaries smiled when President Brubaker told them that this is the only "love letter" they are allowed to write. They should write it with an abundance of love, and share it with those in the ward council.
"Love softens peoples hearts. It prepares them to listen to the Gospel. Love is a beautiful burden to carry." President Brubaker

In PMG it states that the Progress Record will build the ward council's confidence in the missionaries if it is done weekly and is accurate and is neatly written. Missionaries were encouraged to keep them right in their planners, so they can always know how their investigators are doing and keep them updated.
Progress Record WE:
Fold 'em
Share 'em
Make them with love
Start conversations with
Teach bishops about 'em
Missionaries shared some of the miracles they are seeing from "Consecrated Days."
"We taught 6 people at a bus stop! it was amazing! When we talk to everyone, miracles happen!" Elder Andrews
We found another area book in the apartment! It was full of former investigators with baptismal dates! We were so excited to look them up!" Elder Van Overbeek
Headquarter Referral-
We had time to look them up has been a blessing of 2-2-5 - Elder Mohrmon
Have the mindset that you cannot fail. Elder Taylor
The Zone Leaders did a fantastic job on the lunch!
Missionaries love receiving letters!

"We can have that faith that we can baptize! Why can’t we baptize 100 like other missions? It is faith. Our baptismal dates went up to 10. We found some amazing kingdom builders. We had faith and it happened. It is our own mindset. It is faith to have faith." Elder Brownell

Elder Shoemaker and Elder Pope are serving in Leuven.Belgium. Elder Pope treated us with a beautiful and delicious peach cobbler!
Elder Shoemaker-"Planning the night before really helps as we put names on every hour. The Lord helps us, and we have found that we find lots of people on the way to the name."

President Brubaker and Elder Van Overbeek celebrate February birthdays together!
"Hope is that ray of sunshine on a very gray Dutch day."—Elder Van Overbeek

Elder Brown and Elder Stoddard are serving in Kortrijk, Belgium, which is right on the Belgium French border. They are both working closely with the ward clerk and the branch president to locate all the names on the ward list and put them on maps so they can help find those that are less active, young adults, members, progressing investigators, etc. They love "consecrated days".
A beautiful musical number by Elder Shoemaker, Elder Van Overbeek, Elder Taylor, and Elder Pope brought the spirit into our meeting for the afternoon.

What are all the frowns for? Elder Brownell, Elder Crittendon and Zuster Kremer can't imagine life after mission!
We love our missionaries in the Antwerp, Belgium Zone!
What a great post Sister Brubaker! I very much looking forward to your updates and to see pictures of our stripling warriors hard at work!