George Ekibise, 17 March, 2012
Den Haag

Elder Mortensen, Elder Roemer, George, Elder Calkins
Brother Ekibise’s path towards baptism has been Miraculous! He was referred to the missionaries by friends of his who were also learning from the missionaries. As we were teaching George he had a great desire to stop smoking so he could enter the waters of baptism. On a fast Sunday we fasted together with George that we would be able to stop. That Friday George had a heart attack followed by a triple bypass surgery and the doctors told him he absolutely could not smoke anymore. Since then he has not touched a cigarette. During the process of recovery from his surgery he had plenty of time to read in the Book of Mormon and develop a great love for it. He was ready and anxious to be baptized but had to wait many weeks to be fully healed. The evening he entered into the waters of baptism, to follow his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, was the culmination of his desires to make a new start, and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has passed through the gate, and is on the narrow path, with the aid of the Holy Ghost, by Gods grace.
He is spreading the gospel to his family back in Nigeria. They have been referred to the missionaries there and called to tell their father that the church is just down the road from their house and the missionaries will be coming soon. Written by Elder Calkins
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