We are always delighted when the Stake Presidents, the Temple President and the Area Authority come every quarter to meet at the mission home. President Yoop Boom and President Hans Boom are brothers! Yoop was called to be the new Stake President in Antwepr when Hans was called to be the Area Authority! We feel so blessed to have come to love and respect the Stake presidents and other leaders in our mission. The others left before I was able to get a picture.
We spend every Monday in the office! We never know who might be there to enjoy the magical cooking of Sister Pankratz! Today we were surprised! Duco Van Doesburg was here to visit, and the zone leaders from Groningen had to exchange their car for one that worked!
I spent a few hours with Sister Stout and Sister Jeffs in Amsterdam in the afternoon on Monday. It was P-Day! We enjoyed just being together in Amsterdam, and we went shopping!
They called me later in the week with a miracle! André, from the Ivory Coast had been given a Book of Mormon a few months ago by the sisters. He called them this week, and he had been reading in the Book of Mormon, and he knew it was true! And he wanted to meet with them. André speaks French, so I got to go with them and translate for them! André loved the lesson, and committed to come to church on Sunday!

Our former Elder Rob Wood and his new bride, Debbie, are here visiting many people they came to love when they were missionaries! We took them to our favorite pannekoeken restaurant in Leiden! 
They were so excited to find the people they taught while they are here! They took a bunch of pass-a-long cards with them for their adventure!
After we got them delivered to the tram stopThursday morning, President Brubaker and I spent the day with the new trainers at the mission office. Eleven new missionaries are coming next week!
We have prepared and faithful and anxious missionaries ready to train!l-r Elder Wait, Elder Li, Elder Mortenesen, Elder Guanuna, Elder McCarlie, Elder Merrill, Elder Ptichforth, Elder Pope, Elder Bickham, and Sister Welch with her companion Sister Kremer. 
After the training meeting I drove to Dordrecht to spend the afternoon and evening with Sister Schwab and Sister Rich. They had appts. set with a new investigator from Togo that only spoke French and a little English, and another investigator family. Then I was able to go to their dinner appt. with the Slingerland family in the ward! We had so many tender mercies happen while we were together!
Friday, President Brubaker and I drove to Antwerp. He met with the zone leaders during their weekly planning, and I spent time with Sister Kremer and Sister Welch going to their appointments. We had a great visit with a very special family from Nygeria, and then they met Faith in the park for a new member lesson.
It was a perfect day to meet in the park!
Another tender mercy! President Brubaker and Victor were able to come with us! We have been blessed tremendously to learn from these two amazing new members in Antwerp. Victor is now serving in the Sunday School Presidency, and is a gifted teacher! We feel eternally connected!
We spent Friday evening in Leuven with Libo. Libo joined the church a little over a year ago. He is a post graduate student from Shanghai, China. He learned about the church over the internet, and was able to contact me through the mission blog. He is very dear to us!
It was truly a week of many tender mercies!
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