We were excited to welcome all of the zone leaders and the sister companionship from the Hague! We were blessed to spend the day together.
We love it when the house is full of missionaries!
President Brubaker has righteous desires for the zone leaders to achieve their goals, and to see improvement in their zones. "When performance is measured performance improves. When performance is measured and reported the rate of improvement improves dramatically." PMG
Improvement will come first through the example of leadership.
The Zone Leaders strive each day to improve. As they strive to reach the standards of excellence in our mission, which is a BIG stretch, they motivate and encourage other missionaries to be goal oriented and with the spirit they can reach their goals too!
Elder Mickelson and Elder Andrews demonstrated to the others how to teach investigators to pray. Moses 5: 8 thou shalt do all things in the name of the son.
We want our investigators to feel that they want to pray.

Love is the key as we teach the love that God has for each investigator. They can feel that love as they pray.

Things we can do to become dramtically better teachers!
Read pray often page 78 PMG
We can get answers to our prayers. He listens to us.
We can divine guidance through daily prayer.
Stop after you have prayer to stop and listen.
Pray sincerely and be willing to act on your answer.
When we ask for guidance we have to act on the answer we got.
We pray in faith in the name of Jesus Christ.
He WILL answer our prayers.
In prayer we speak openly and honestly.
Express our love for God. Tell him much you appreciate him, and this will bring the spirit more.
Ask for help and direction according to our needs.
God is interested in the things that you are interested in.
When we pray with real intent we will feel his guidance.
Role-playing is vital for missionaries to become dramatically better teachers.

The Spirit is present as the missionaries practice with an investigator in mind, how to teach him how to pray.
When we are engaged in prayer, it doesn’t end when the prayer ends. Every few minutes we want to check in. It is like checking your emails every few minutes-is there something you want me to do during the day. I am here to do your will. I will try and listen and know what you want me to do. As we get in that feeling it is powerful, as we rely on faith and do what we feel we should do. President Brubaker
Missionaries can know they are on the right track in their lives as they show enthusiasm for the work they are engaged in. As they are obedient and want to follow the Lord in whatever is asked of them, miracles happen!
" And it came to pass that I, Nephi said unto my father, I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto th children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." I Nephi 3:7
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