The Brubaker Family

The Brubaker Family

President Brubaker and I are excited to be here as the Mission President and companion of the Belgium Brussels Netherlands Mission! We love your sons and daughters, and feel to thank you for the wonderful missionaries you have raised! This is a very unique mission. Our mission includes two countries, and five languages, not including many dialects spoken in the Netherlands. The missionaries are teaching many people from all around the globe. With the help of the Spirit, the missionaries are finding those who have been prepared to receive the Gospel. This is truly the best mission in the world, and we are honored to be a part of it. We will try and take good care of your sons and daughters. We love them so much already!

We have 5 children and 11 wonderful grand children. We have so much fun together! We are grateful for the support they have given us as we prepared to leave for three years. Our home is in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have raised our family in the Millcreek Holladay area. We enjoy many activities together. We are happiest when we are hiking in Southern Utah, cross-country skiing into our rustic cabin in the Uintahs, enjoying a good game of Train or Settlers of Catan, or just being together and sharing a meal with each other. We love our family so much!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Antwerp Zone President's Training

Today we started our Zone President's Training in Antwerp. "How to Begin Teaching" was taught by President Brubaker.
Preach My Gospel is so divinely inspired. Our missionaries are working everyday to become PMG missionaries. During the training, they have many opportunities to role play together. President Brubaker reviewed with them the 10 bullet points of "How to Begin Teaching."
Then the missionaries have the chance to practice.....and practice......and practice.
Elder and Sister Tibbitts help the missionaries practice.............and practice!
Missionaries feel their confidence build as they role play and practice with one another.
The Everton's arrived today! They jumped in with both feet, jet lag and all, and role-played with
Sister DeGroot and Sister Ence.
Harry, our devoted eternal missionary helps the missionaries as they practice some more.
Sister DeGroot and Sister Ence provided us with Taco Salad!
Thanks so much!

The Antwerp Aone
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven; a time to laugh......
.......He hath made everything beautiful in his time... I know that there is no good in them,
but for a man (and woman)
to rejoice, and to do good in this life."
Ecclesiastes 3

1 comment:

  1. Once again, the pictures of these great missionaries are fabulous! The fun of the gospel just oozes from them and they have found joy in serving.

    Thanks for capturing these priceless moments and sharing them with us, their parents. Our missionaries are so blessed to be serving under such a great mission President and wife…thank you thank you!

    Debbie Bastian
