President Brubaker and I are so amazed at the caliber and faith of our missionaries. The Zone leaders take their responsibility very seriously. President Brubaker started the meeting with each companionship reviewing how the mission is doing in each of their zones. Missionaries came to together as they counciled and saw the great things that are happening in the mission. Their hard work is really paying off! They talked and discussed ways to help improve the mission. All went away from the meeting with more determination in their soul.

Doctrine & Covenants 128
22Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. a, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into b.

23Let the a shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King! And ye rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow down with gladness. Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and ye solid b weep for joy! And let the sun, moon, and the c stars sing together, and let all the sons of God shout for joy! And let the eternal creations declare his name forever and ever!

Behold, the great a of the Lord is at hand; and who canb the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appeareth? For he is like a c’s d, and like fuller’s soap; and he shall sit as a e and purifier of silver.

Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.
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