This is one of those days that we wanted to hold onto and never let go. Words are a poor substitute to describe what we experienced as a mission. We held our breath as we walked into the Strombeek Church in Brussels. Did our missionaries make it? The planing and re-planning of how we would get all missionaries to Brussels was exhaustive for weeks before. Some missionaries left as early as 5:00 am.
Elder Fullmer and Elder Matthews came from Den Bosch and the Hague. Don't they look bright eyed and happy to experience what this day has in store for them? All missionaries came together for the first time this year, and met missionaries they have never met before, or haven't seen for a long time!

Missionaries shared their enthusiam and excitement and I'm sure much patience for us to finally arrive.
As we walked into the building, it was so quiet, we wondered if our missionaries had not arrived yet. There was no one in the chapel......When we looked into the cultural hall, this was the wonderful sight that greeted us!
Elder Ballard went right up and greeted our missionaries. He was so warm and friendly and complimented them on how great they looked!
We were able to get a photo of all of us together! My heart skips a beat when I realize that these are OUR missionaries!

Words cannot express President Brubaker's feelings as he saw all of our missionaries together!

We all filed into the Chapel together. I took the opportunity to visit with some of our missionaries.

Elder Ballard and Elder and Sister Causse watched as the missionaries took their seats in the chapel and prepared for a mission conference they will never forget.

Sister Tibbitts visited with Sister Ballard before the meeting began.

Elder Bastiaens greeted me with a warm welcomed hand shake.
Our mission was taught, encouraged, and we felt we were united as a mission as we experienced the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and felt the spirit as we were taught by these servants of God.
Elder Rasband taught us how we can better improve our mission by working with the Bishop and the Ward Council by rescuing those who have been lost. Elder Rasband taught from the scriptures quoting Luke 15:4-7 Leave the ninety-nine and find the one who is lost. He gave the missionaries new ideas and stressed the importance of the role of the missionary working together with the bishop to help those who have fallen away for one reason or another. He taught the missionaries by doing a role play with Sister DeGroot and Sister Robbins. It is important to let this person know that the bishop asked them to visit and that he loves them. There is power in these words! He taught the missionaries how to bring to a remembrance of what they first felt when they were baptized, and ask if they could help have those same feelings of the spirit return. The question, "What was the reason you ever joined the church in the first place?" This question will help them remember what they felt, and then to follow up with, "How would you feel if we helped you feel this way again?"
Elder Caussé commended our missionaries for having 69 baptismal dates. He asked President Brubaker what percentage of these will be baptized? He then asked the missionaries if it would be okay to teach them how they could double that to 80%? He taught us from Matthew 9:35-36. There were throngs of people surrounding Christ, but he felt someone touch his robe and asked"who touched me?" A woman sick for many years had the faith if she could touch his robes that she would be healed. Christ took the time to teach with sensitivity and love. He took the time to teach 1 by 1. He healed the sick and the afflicted 1 by 1. He blessed the children 1 by 1.
He taught the missionaries from PMG chapter 10, the importance of treating each investigator as the unique child of God whom they are. PMG teaches to adjust the lessons to the needs of the individual investigator. The teaching calendar should reflect NEEDS. It becomes a personalized plan of conversion.
Elder Ballard is the father of Preach My Gospel. He loves missionary work. He told the missionaries, "You look like you care....what you project and how you relate is the most important thing in teaching the Gospel. Treasure up what you are learning in your personal study, so you can teach with confidence. Know the lessons so well you can teach them anywhere to anybody." He spoke of his missionary experience in Hyde Park. He was asked by his mission president to speak about baptism to the hundreds of people gathered. He was a new missionary and said everything he knew in 1- 1/2 minutes. That night he prayed to God and told him that would never happen again. He got up earlier than usual the next day and starting treasuring up what he learned from his study of the scriptures. He encouraged the missionaries to know the doctrine and be able to know four lessons so well you can teach anywhere, anytime, and in your own words. We are about our Father's business. If we bring souls to Him, He will forgive our sins.
Alma 29:9 "This is my glory that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."
We must be the BEST GOSPEL TEACHERS. We need to have the light of the gospel and KNOW THAT YOU KNOW. Elder Ballard encouraged missionaries, in order to become the best gospel teachers, they need to talk to at least 20 people/per companionship/per day. Missionaries need to learn to smile! Look at people and SMILE! They MUST radiate this message through their demeanor. If there is no investigator to be taught, practice on the members and the bishop.
A good trainer is the most important call a missionary can have- he asked our trainers to follow the rules with exactness. Let your companion know you love him. Build him up.
" You have the light. If you don't get the job done it will thwart the day when Christ will come. You are reaching into the darkness and turning on the light for God's children. You will not be afraid to speak to kings, should that occasion arise. You must become master teachers."
We didn't want this precious moment to end. Elder Ballard asked the missionaries if they had any questions, and he spent time answering their heart felt questions. We all felt we had experienced a "tender mercy" from heaven.

Elder Wood and Elder Brockbank are two enthusiastic best gospel teachers. I'm sure they couldn't wait to put into practice all they had learned today. Their step was a little lighter, determination showing in their demeanor as they go forward with faith to be the best they can be.
"And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me."

Our mission was greatly blessed to have Elder Ballard, a member of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles come to Brussels and share his testimony and love he has for missionary work. We will count this as one of the choicest and most precious experiences of our mission.

Elder and Soeur Caussé are dear friends who we had the privilege of working with in Paris when we served as Public Affairs missionaries. President Brubaker introduced Elder Caussé to American Football! We were so excited to have them come with Elder Rasband and Sister and Elder Ballard .
This has been a marvelous week. The Spirit "hath distilled upon our souls as the dews of heaven."
Thank you so much for posting pictures and all the neat experiences of the missionaries. They are so busy and doing so much and I do enjoy following along with what they do. It is a nice snapshot of missionary work in the Netherlands. And yes, I like seeing pictures of "my" missionary, Elder Fullmer.:)