Franz Torres, Antwerpen, September 25, 201
Franz Torres is originally from Cuba, but has lived in Belgium for seven years. Until several years ago he was never very religious. While he was living in Brussels he was invited by a friend to attend church. There he began to study about Christ and came to find a new faith. He then moved to Antwerpen where Elder Christensen and I (Elder Wells) met him on the street one Sunday evening. They invited him to read in the Book of Mormon, he readily agreed. Elder Relitz and I then took Franz on a church tour; he expressed the desire to progress and grow in his faith, something he did not find in his other church. We promised him that we would help him learn as much as we could. He began an impressive study of the Book of Mormon. He would often take notes, and always pulled out the most important parts of the chapters he read.
Three times a week Franz would take a 45 minute tram ride to meet with us in the church. Week after week, with Br. Verheyen or Br. Nuyens sitting by we would study the Gospel with Franz. He never lost his desire of dedication to learn, despite several difficulties he encountered he continued on and never gave up. When the time came for his baptism he was nervous but he knew he was ready. As he was baptized he rose from the water with a huge smile. What joy he felt!! His prayers turned to thanking the Lord for the truthfulness of the restoration and asking for strength to be able to share it with others. (Written by Elder Wells)
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