We had a marvelous time with our senior couples in our mission. We found a half way point where we could all meet without too much traveling. President Brubaker and I came upon this wonderful place in Dordrecht, the Netherlands to meet. Villa Augustus is quite a place. In 2003 an enterprising couple decided to turn the turn of the century water tower and land into a hotel and restaurant. They had a vision of this beautiful water tower being put to new use.

These are the gardens surrounding the water tower. On the water side you have beautiful formal gardens, and on the other side, on the same spot where once the water basins for Dordrecht's water tower were located, was created a garden. A garden that supplies food for the restaurant, and a feast for the eye and palette. A garden that inspires the cook and that in turn is inspired by the kitchen-the cook and the gardener, the gardener and the cook.

We were the happy recipients of all this imagination and creativity!

Elder and Zuster Langeveld brought their daughter along who was visiting. The Langevelds love being the Young Adult couple in Rotterdam, and the young adults love them! How can their time of service be almost over?

These are the "new kids" on the block! Elder and Zuster Anderson arrived this morning! They are so excited to be here, and will be coached by our seasoned Langevelds on how the Yovo Center works in Rotterdam. Welcome!

Elder and Zuster Tibbitts get the award for our most "valuable player."
They keep us all straight at the office, and plan nice events like this!

Elder and Zuster Salden were blessed to have Elder Salden's sister from England come and visit before they go home next week. We thought it very appropriate to get together one last time before they go home. How can we ever thank you for the difference you have made in our mission. We will miss them so much. The day is always "fine as frog's hair" to Elder Salden, no matter the challenge!

It was a delight for me to sit next to Elder and Zuster Hofman, who are in charge of the Young Adult Center in Deventer. These two opened the center in the restored old post office. They love working with the young adults, and I enjoyed immensely catching up on all their miracle stories that a center brings.

(Picture to follow-Sorry Elder and Sister Pancratz, your picture didn't turn out.)
President Brubaker and I feel like we hit the jackpot!!! All of our senior young couples are about as perfect as they come! Elder and Sister Pancratz paved the way for us when we arrived. They spent the first 11 months of their mission getting things organized at the office and taking care of closing apartments, as our mission was down-sized. They were so patient waiting to move to Holland. They are now living in Amsterdam and are starting a Young Adult Center. Anytime we call, day or night we are greeted sincerely, "Hello President, what can we do for you today?"
These senior missionaries are the "Garden" in our lives. We feel uplifted and humbled at the same time as we have the honor and privilege of working side by side with some of the choicest people the world has to offer.
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