Lilly Salome, Alkmaar, September 25, 2010
Lilly was in contact with the church 18 years ago in Aruba when she married an inactive member of the church. Her mother-in-law was extremely active and did her best to keep them on the path of coming to church. When they moved to Rotterdam they came in contact with the sister missionaries and began receiving visits from her. They moved in 2010 to Zwaag and then began receiving visits from the Elders in Alkmaar. They came at a very hard time for their family and she would feel peace that came from the church and the missionaries and began to seriously investigate what that feeling was. During a lesson about 6 months later she asked the missionaries, “When are you going to baptize me?” Then in spite of vacation and multiple other delays, Lillian Salome was baptized on the 25th of September and confirmed the next day. (Written by Elder Hymas)
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